20 Ways To Make Him Chase You Like Crazy

Ladies, is the spark between you and your man missing? Are you missing all the love he used to shower upon you before? Are things not the same now? Well, take a back seat and let him do all the chasing. We believe by now, you must have understood what we are discussing. Here are some ways to make him chase you that will help bring back the balance in your relationship.
Men today think that women will keep on chasing them. Well, that’s not the answer! We might stalk them, but they should be the ones chasing women. Please read the blog till the end to learn about the different ways to make him chase you like crazy.
20 Ways to Make Him Chase You Like Crazy
Remain busy
This is one of the best ways to make him chase you like crazy. Pretend that you are busy. Let him call you but don’t answer his calls or messages right away, as you cannot always be available for him. Your man needs to understand that you also have your own life. This will help him to value you while chasing you even more.
Don’t make him feel that he is the only guy
Ensure not to make him feel that he is the only one you have in your life. Cause he is not! Make sure to upload your pictures with others as well while tagging them in your statuses. This will make him feel that you are in huge demand. It will make him chase you like crazy.
You also have a life
Show your man that you also have your job and your friends, and you are also going to University. You need to show that he is not the only one around whom your life revolves. So, in case you were wondering how to make a man chase you, get back to building your own life.
Get attention from other men occasionally
Let him see his girl getting attention from other men. Well, make sure not to talk much about other guys or hang out with them in front of your man, as he will think that you are trying to get his attention which is not the actual case. Instead, let him see you engaging with other men or even flirt with them a little. Well, will this work? If your menses you enjoy with the evil desire you for himself and will want you not just once but forever.
Avoid sharing everything with him
Hold yourself back a little and ensure not to tell each and everything about you, to your man. This is because if you rush, you might disclose every idea, thought, and emotions that you feel for him. Moreover, sharing everything with him can make you seem very less interesting, and you might resemble to be a very boring person to him. Therefore, make sure that you are a little mysterious while keeping a few secrets from him.
Do something exciting together
Make sure to do something exciting together to strengthen your bond. For instance, you can experience something exciting and scary together, like going on a roller coaster ride and watching a horror movie. This will enhance the closeness you guys share. You can also buy some spicy food for him, which will make an instant connection between him and his tongue. This might be strange, but psychology backs this up. 15 Romantic Ideas To Surprise Your Boyfriend
Never swoon over him
The worst thing you can do to have a man chase you is, clutching his arm and looking lovingly into his eyes. He’s not God, and you can’t let him think that if you want him to chase you. Sure, compliment him, but don’t get all giddy over him. It appears needy and clingy.
Try to become sexy
You no longer must look like someone you are not. However, you can increase your sexiness by boosting natural traits. No, we don’t mean that you start doing lip-fillers, but you can surely apply plumping lipstick or flaunt your best curves. Because men are visual creatures, it will irritate them.
Show little interest
You might be dying to receive a text from him, but do not reply to his messages immediately. Let him know that you are not much interested in him. This will make me curious to know what he did.
Follow your dreams
Men like passionate ladies. Make sure to follow your passion at all costs. Try to pursue something which will make your man chase you like crazy.
Set a life goal
Set goals in your life and focus on your energy and not on unnecessary things. This is because men like women who are ambitious, focused, and goal-oriented.
Make him miss you
Don’t stay on the call with him every time. Go off the radar and make him miss you like crazy. This will help him to sense your value in his life.
Have a healthy Life
You need to show him that you have a healthy life and that it is not just a man that you are satisfied with even if he is not there, and honestly, doing this will make sure that he comes running after you to get your attention.
Love yourself
Before loving your man, love yourself and not just agree to whatever adjustments and changes please your man. 12 Acts of self-love you must adapt immediately
Don’t be dependent on him
Don’t rely upon your man for anything. So, do things using your own efforts, and never let him feel you depend on him. This will set a good image of you as a person who is non-clingy and self-dependent.
Hold back the relationship benefits
Ensure your man does not get all the benefits of a real relationship. Please give him a teaser first so that he might crave more of you.
Give him space
Some men love to have their own space. Therefore, let him be late and spend some time away from the relationship so that he can value your companionship in his life.
Seduce him
Dress well and seduce him while playing with your hair and flicking it in a sexy manner. Do it very casually, and naturally, he will come running to you.
Become his cheerleader
Always cheer him up whenever he does anything great while supporting him whenever he needs it. This will fill your relationship with warmth and love, and he will chase you more because he knows he can never find someone like you.
Complete him
The majority of men prefer women to have qualities that they may lack. Therefore, in case your man is not confident, make sure that you are confident enough. This will make him desire to be with you. 11 Dating Tips For Shy Guys In Love-Quick Guide
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Making a man chase for your love is not an easy task! If you want your man to chase you like crazy, then make sure to follow the aforementioned tips, and you are good to go.