Jewelry Collection Stories – Aleda of Always Aleda – Gem Gossip

Today’s Jewelry Collection Story comes from jewelry collector & maker, Aleda of Always Aleda. I have so many pieces from her – a handmade chain that I wear endlessly, I sent her all my charms and she made me a charm bracelet (which was a fun project) and lots of gems made into pendants. She is incredibly talented at things involving her creativeness and her two hands! It has been so cool to see her career as a jewelry maker and designer evolve and grow, as I’ve known her even before it all began! She is a ferocious collector, so I was excited she agreed to give us an inside look at her collection. Take it away, Aleda:
“I have been seriously collecting for about ten years. Before I retired, I was a photographer, and was working for a local jewelry store. They let me take estate pieces as payment for “extra” jobs they asked me to do.”
“I love antique diamonds. How wonky and wonderful the cuts are. Nothing was calibrated then, and it just makes for such wonderful character in the stones.
And anything with and Egyptian motif!! All the revival pieces make my heart happy.
Jewelry is my passion for so many reasons. It’s incredibly sentimental, and such a wonderful armor. I have pieces that remind me of loved ones, special trips, and special occasions. And I have pieces that remind me to keep things balanced, to remind me that life is beautiful. To me it is meaningful and wearable art.”
“My favorite places to find antique and vintage pieces are pawn shops and antique malls. Pawn shops first and foremost, because I also buy all my casting gold from them, and some of the treasures I find I just can’t bear to melt. I do also have a couple of trusted IG sellers I purchase from, like your lovely self.
So many pieces I own have interesting stories behind them. But here’s a favorite. Years ago, my husband had a wide rose gold band made for me for Valentine’s Day. It’s still one if my favorites. And one day I thought I’d lost it. Went into total panic, and was asking everyone at work to help me look, how much to make another asap, etc. didn’t understand why they were so blasé about it until husband gave it back to me engraved with “grah mo chride” which is Gaelic for love of my heart.”
“My most recent find is the diamond tennis bracelet I purchased from you!!! And I lurve it so much!!
There are actually quite a few pieces I wear every day. Lol. My wedding set, my diamond pinky, and my Roma necklaces and Chunky Charm Chain only come off for cleaning, and same with the bracelets on both wrists. My left wrist is all made by me bracelets, and my right wrist is always vintage and my Rolex. I feel rather nekkid when I take them off.”